Friday, January 23, 2009


When we were young, Holidays used to be happy times.

Oh, how the world has changed! Holidays are the times of the year where teachers pile extra homework, extra assignments and extra whatever they can pile on us. Yes, we get to sleep in and everything, but the work alone will kill us. I know we are sitting for SPM this year, but that does not mean that we are bots that do work automatically.
Everyday, we go to school from 7.20 til 2.30 (except Fridays). After that, we either have extra-curricular activities, extra classes, or tuition classes. When we finally manage to get home, its already 5.30 or sometimes even 6pm. We bathe, have dinner then do our homework. Usually, we have enough homework to last us til midnight. Then, of course, we sleep. We wake up 6 hours later and repeat the cycle. Every day, the whole week.

As for saturdays, sundays and holidays, we wake up at around 10. Then, start homework and assignments. What a life we have. I don't even have the time to read the papers anymore.

Wanna know more shocking stuff? Teachers go : "We pity you students nowadays.... So much work, so many activities and etc". Then, at the end of the lesson, they give extra homework.
Its really tiring to have to think about unfinished homework during the Chinese New Year.

I'm chronically depressed.