At first, I wasn't really enthusiastic about Yes Man because it starred jim Carrey... Mention Jim Carrey and I think about that super wide and goofy smile that freaks me out, because it usually is sooo unreal... Also, he always used to make slapstick comedies that were BO-RING, like Ace Ventura..... but the keywords in that sentence are : USED TO...
Not anymore....
Even from the start, this movie was a barrel of laughs... And not the slapstick type, not really, unless you are a really serious person who thinks political debates are the only things that are funny...
For the first time, i've actually seen Jim Carrey smile like he actually was happy (not like someone was pointing a gun at him and saying "Smile or i shoot!").. The lines were pretty funny and Mr. Carrey did some spectacular scenes like when he practically swept the girl off her feet at the airport).
For those of you who have no idea what the movie is about, here's a brief summary...
This guy, who is always negative, decides to start saying Yes to EVERYTHING people ask of him after attending a seminar.
That's all. I know, the plot seems weak and unconvinving, but truth be told, it builds up pretty well.. There is enough time to introduce the characters and their personalities, see how they change and etc...
Also, you get to see Jim Carrey speak Korean, fly a plane, ride a scooter and a bike, and oh yeah... Serenade a guy who's about to commit suicide then pull him to safety, all while getting the people who are watching the scene to sing along (see picture)...
Okay, that sounded pretty cheesy, but trust me, it isn't as bad as it sounds.
So those of you looking for a nice way to celebrate the first few days of 2009, go watch the movie....
It gives you a chance to sit back, relax, and enjoy a few laughs....
Happy New Year!