Tuesday, December 16, 2008


I just finished reading Cristopher Paolini's latest novel, Brisingr. This book is the third book of the Inheritance CYCLE (note: its not a trilogy anymore, he has decided to write FOUR books, lets hope it ends with four). Yes, I know its a few months past the release date and some of you are probably gasping and wondering how I could take such a long time to finish the book.... Read on......

A continuation of the books Eragon and Eldest, Christopher Paolini continues to narrate the story of Eragon, an ex-farm boy who turns into a Dragon Rider when a dragon egg hatches for him. As Eragon grows, so does his beloved dragon, Saphira. They both mature in their thoughts as well as physical abilities with passing time. This book marks the greatest improvement in their maturity levels as they are faced with ever more hardship and sorrow, as well as a greater sense of responsibility towards friends, family and country.....

Okay, I'm not gonna spoil th book for all those of you who haven't read it, (but I'm sure most of you have) so I'm just gonna comment on the overall story and writing style, etc...

This book, safe to say is a pretty good book, as all of Christopher Paolini's books are. However, before you all run off to join his fan club, I have to say this (and I'm terribly sorry if I offend anyone): Chris, you're a bit too long winded when it comes to describing things.

You see, at every start of the chapter or at every interval, adjectives are used so often that the reader loses the actual point of the sentence. Even where it begins to get interesting, such as the action parts or the parts where he's supposed to discover some huge secret, the author manages to squeeze in a dozen adjectives. I mean, readers want to just get to the point, you know...What happens????!!!! Not what the surroundings looked like at that point in time.... This is why i took so long to finish the book....It was like...adjective, adjective, adjective....YAWN....Also, sometimes, the book gets a little too dry...From time to time, he should add in a few jokes(they were pretty scarce in the previous books) just to keep readers from falling asleep or putting the book down....

Nevertheless, the lack of humour or the over-usage of adjectives was made up for by the portrayal of great emotion, all of which he managed to carry very well. As a reader, I could just imagine how the character felt under certain circumstances, which gave me more insight to the character himself/herself....Also, the language used was quite rich....

All in all, this book was pretty good, but i didn't really welcome the idea of a fourth book as his books are sold for quite a high price over here....I don't think I can afford another book...

And P.S. I'd like to see the development of the relationship between Eragon and Arya....XD

Rating : Three and a half stars