Whoosh.. A flurry of events. Its the holidays again. And in about 11 days time, all the Fifth Formers of SGGS will be sitting for the SPM trial examinations. So while everybody else is going about enjoying htier holidays, we , the fifth formers, are stuck at home, studying. But it isn't because we aren't allowed to go out, cause I sure as hell am allowed to, its because, we only have 11 days to study.. 11 subjects.(this is me) AND we feel guilty that we haven't started with our revision, we KNOW that we should have started a long time ago, but we didn't. Why didn't we? Well, cause we're lazy-ass teens, and last-minute is our motto. In fact, if we ever do anything NOT last minute, the sky really is falling(go out and check). I don't ever recall myself studying for exams a couple of months in advance, I don't even recall studying for exams ONE month in advance. The only way I know how to study is : cram a week before exams. And that's exactly what's gonna happen now.
But then again, the reality is that SPM IS dawning on us. (yes, fifth formers, SPM is near. Less than 100 days now) o_O ( i know) .. And I know that cramming 7 days before SPM is NOT going to work. And I also know that SPM is the LAST exam I'll be taking before I leave secondary school. I know that SPM is my ticket to a good college, a good university. I KNOW all of that. And I DO want to do well.. But I just have no MOJO yo...
Everytime someone mentions the words SPM I think back to the start of form five, where everything was possible. I didn't do too well in form 4 but hey, maybe in form five i can score straight As... Then my hopes came crashing in the form of my report card, 12 As (incl. PJ and civics) BUT 1 C.. Stupid, stupid C (add math of course). Now I don't hate add math, but why oh why can't i do well?? And now I've gotten As for my three sciences, but will I be able to maintain that A? Not confident.. But I have faith.. In prayers. (Pray, pray, pray, pray) Lololz..
But all in all, one thing is FOR SURE :
> If I wanna score Straight A's for SPM (and trials)
>Then i sure as hell shouldn't be sitting here right now wasting my life away...
> XD
Thursday, August 20, 2009
Posted by Rachie_H at 8:03 PM
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