I've passed my duties down! (Congrats to Harvey and the new RC committee of 2009/2010!) You know, I'm not as sad as I thought I would be..
You see, at first, I wanted to pass down my duties by the 30th of June (you can see I'm already past my deadline). I didn't think of how I would feel, or how it would happen, or what would happen after that. Then, I was invited for the band handing down ceremony. I saw Atiqah cry after she handed her duties down to Zaifi.
It hit me then that passing down my duties may not be as easy for me(emotionally, of course. Physically, I just have to pass the whole file and etc to Harvey and say congrats) as it seemed before. I still remember when I joined RC in form 2(Melissa's year) and was blur as... well, a younger version of me.. I didn't register for duties because duties were rare back then. The first RC meeting that I went for was a practice session where they were going to choose marchers for Annual Parade. It was at HQ and I remember it clear as day. We were all standing in rows and following commands and etc. They picked the older ones first, then Melissa looked at me and was like, "her marching okay, i think can kua" (and i remembered thinking 'of course-la okay, I was from band you know??') But now of course, I know that I wasn't actually very good back then... XD
Then when the time came for interviews and my name was listed, I went for the interview not knowing what the hell was going on. They wrote all the posts on the blackboard and was like, pick one post that you would like to hold. At that point, I wasn't very sure what a section leader or an asst section leader did, so i didn't dare pick those posts. Pandai-pandai, I bluffed, saying that i wanted to be secretary because I was good at writing. (actually, it was because I didn't want to pick treasurer( didn't like keeping money back then), didn't dare to aim higher than secretary(I'm not that perasaan, only form 2 k?) and also cuz I didn't know what the other posts were for, and was afraid that if I picked those posts someone would call my bluff...
Kononnya I was good at writing la, but I managed to emit the fact that I didn't like to write very much. Then a friend of mine(who was in form 5 at the time came to me and told me, "Aiyah, you won't get it la...') so I thought, no hope d, nevermind. But shock of all, I managed to get Asst. Secretary... Not bad...
And so begin my rise and dedication to the society... I really love RC, even til today. I've devoted a lot of time to it, (just ask my mum how many times she's scolded me for being too active) but I found that its the one society where I belong, where I fit in, which fits my nature...
I thought that passing on would be hard on me because after all the time and devotion to the society, I finally would not be needed anymore... I would just become another part of Unit 9's history.. But now, I think maybe that's not so bad anymore, and I'm taking it fairly easy. Harvey will make a good president, Grace and Su-Lin will be great assistants, and I have full trust in Jing Yee, Carolyn and Yuan Sin as well as the rest of the committees. So I have no worries.
Did I also mention that I'll be joining a VAD? Of course, after SPM la.. This means that I can still contribute to the school's RC society by doing whatever I can, seeing as I'll still be an RC member..
Okay, I know this feels like "my life story" or whatever, but you didn't actually have to read it if you didn't want to....And besides, its my blog, I can write whatever I want. Helps me relax, by writing everything down...
Ta for tonight, be back with more.. (obvioulsy not on this topic)
Saturday, July 25, 2009
So its FINALLY happened
Posted by Rachie_H at 7:55 AM 0 comments
Thursday, July 9, 2009
Science and Maths : In MALAY
Seriously? Is this what the new government is up to? Do they really think that the decision to teach Math and Science in Malay is going to help 'bridge the gap between rural and urban students'? Well, what about the gap between ' Malaysian students and students from other countries'??? That IS the bigger picture, is it not?
In these times, English is the language of the world. Anybody who cannot speak English will have difficulties. I'm not saying that Malay is not a good language, because it is, but English should be prioritized, especially when it comes to Science and Maths. Consider this.. We learn Our Maths and Sciences in Chinese then Malay, then ONLY when we go to college do we actually learn them in English. Isn't this creating students that should no doubt be dubbed as Jacks of All trades, Masters of None?
And another question to our dear Education Minister :
Which international university in their right mind would be willing to accept Malaysian students into their Science and Maths courses seeing as the only Science and Maths terminologies they have learnt and know how to use are in malay? How can they compete with other students worldwide?? If I were the dean of Oxford or whatever, I would definitely NOT accept people who have learnt the courses in a foreign tongue!
Does this mean that Malaysian students who want to study subjects related to Maths and Science can only study in Malaysian universities? Right now you're kinda ruining our chances of ever studying abroad...
And so you say that English is still a priority, that you will continue to hire foreign help to educate teachers and students alike in English, but wasn't this what was promised a looooong, loong time ago? Still, we Malaysian students are lagging behind other developed and even under-developed nations! Even China has begun to stress English as an important subject and all its residents, young or old are beggining to master the language. India's English proficiency level exceeds Malaysia by a very high margin. But here we are, Malaysians, trying to de-learn English and revert back to Malay. Why so? Already most subjects are being taught in Malay, like History, geography, Civics, Moral, Kemahiran Hidup and many many more.... I feel that enough emphasis has been out on the subject, so its only fair to have English being used as well!
Oh well, just my rantings, nobody's gonna care anyways...
Posted by Rachie_H at 8:21 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, July 8, 2009
My hair.
Its official : My hair is now shoulder length.. Or shorter, actually.
You see, I'm sick at home and the hot weather is making me feel worse. My headaches are bad and the doctor was like " You can't expect me to just give you medicine and make the headaches go away, it just doesn't work that way!". Then lemme ask you doc, just HOW does it work? But he gave me medicine anyway, to reduce the giddiness and pain. But the side effects of the medicine : you'll feel hot, and sweat a lot(that actually rhymes).
And so it was that I found myself sitting on the couch sweating(not perspiring) bucketloads, even though I had bathed like, 4 times in the last hour. Finally, I just couldn't take it anymore. I walked to the hairdresser and told her to snip my (nearly) waist-length hair off. Long enough that I could tie it, but short enough to not get in my way.
Hairdresser : You sure ar?
Me : Yeah, just do it. Very hot leh.
Hairdresser : (Ties rubberband around my hair) If I cut it this short, you can still tie, but let me warn you, it'll be quite short!
Me : Okay, whatever. Just cut it off. (Actually, I couldn't see how short she indicated because I didn't have my spectacles on).
Hairdresser : (Raises her eyebrows incredulously). Oooooo....kay.
You see, my hairdresser knows how much I love my hair as on the three previous visits I refused to let her snip a lot of it off. (I used to tell her things like : "Just trim a bit enough! Just a bit, just a bit!")
But once she saw that I really wanted to do it, she tookout this huge pair of scissors, then with one snip, cut off the hair JUST below the rubberband. Nearly six inches of my hair gone. Painless.
Hairdresser : ( Ties the hair into a small bunch with the orange rubberband) Nah. (Hands my hair to me).
Me : What do you want me to do with that???
Hairdresser : Keep lah. You finally managed to cut it off. Good for you.
Me : No, thanks. Just throw it away.
When I came back, I tried to tie my hair properly, but it just formed a short-ish bob that reached my neck. I'm so used to running my fingers through my hair until I ran out all the tangles, but now its so short it doesn't have any tangles.
Oh god, I feel bald.
P.S. I know I'm not bald, but to a person who's had such long hair in the past, this is really, really, really short. Some of my friends in school are gonna kill me.
Posted by Rachie_H at 1:10 AM 0 comments
Sunday, July 5, 2009
Okay, the name may sound disguting, but its actually waaaay cuter and cooler than the name suggests...
The menu, with a toothbrush stuck to the side
The tables(which are unused sinks) and chairs(toilet bowls)
A close up of our table ( a sink with a glass pane on top)
Our dessert( Ice cream in a bathtub shaped bowl)
Posted by Rachie_H at 2:17 AM 0 comments
Labels: Toilet bowl
Friday, July 3, 2009
I have no mood to study!!
You know how high school students in Malaysia enjoy saying things like, it's okay if I don't get good results now, I have time to study and I'll do better in the next exam. And during exams, we say things like "after this exam, I'm gonna go home and study sooooo hard that my eyes will fall out of their sockets". I, am the first to admit that I have been saying things like that sooo often, so many goddamn times indeed...It starts off with me studying a little bit, then realizing that I cannot cram the entire contents of a 600 page revision book into my head in time to sit for the exam(which is usually two days away). Then I tell myself things like, "its okay, I didn't have enough time to study now, doesn't mean I won't have enough time to study for the next exam, I promise to start earlier". Which is, totally, fine, if you stick to your guns.
But I for one, am not someone who sits down and studies, unless the subject being studied is one that I really like( none, under the current exam syllabus, unless you count English, but I don't know how to study for English). I mean, I really don;t mind History, or whatever, but last minute cramming is my style, and it has been my style for oh so many years. I just can't bring myself to do it any other way. It worked for me in standard 6, worked for me in form 3, so my logic is that it should work in form 5. Only flaw in that logic is that I'm taking 11 subjects, and (logically speaking), if one subject has a 600 page long revision book that needs to be studied, then last minute cramming entails stuffing the contents of eleven 600 page long revision books in my tiny, tiny brain. Of course, there are subjects that have less things to study (eg English, BM and IT) but then there are subjects that need A LOT of time to study (eg Physics, Chem, Bio, Add Maths and basically everything else). And if my recent results are anything to judge by, then I have to say, my style definitely isn't working. Obviously i would not be able to do any last minute cramming with these subjects, and need to start studying early.
However, here I am sitting in front of the computer, Blogging. There is a revision book on the table (actually, there are a few revision books, but I failed to notice them before) but I just don't have the energy to pick them up, much less open them. All those promises I made to myself about studying? Broken, broken, broken.
And hence I sign out, but with much resignation.
Posted by Rachie_H at 8:14 PM 0 comments