Thursday, July 9, 2009

Science and Maths : In MALAY

Seriously? Is this what the new government is up to? Do they really think that the decision to teach Math and Science in Malay is going to help 'bridge the gap between rural and urban students'? Well, what about the gap between ' Malaysian students and students from other countries'??? That IS the bigger picture, is it not?

In these times, English is the language of the world. Anybody who cannot speak English will have difficulties. I'm not saying that Malay is not a good language, because it is, but English should be prioritized, especially when it comes to Science and Maths. Consider this.. We learn Our Maths and Sciences in Chinese then Malay, then ONLY when we go to college do we actually learn them in English. Isn't this creating students that should no doubt be dubbed as Jacks of All trades, Masters of None?

And another question to our dear Education Minister :

Which international university in their right mind would be willing to accept Malaysian students into their Science and Maths courses seeing as the only Science and Maths terminologies they have learnt and know how to use are in malay? How can they compete with other students worldwide?? If I were the dean of Oxford or whatever, I would definitely NOT accept people who have learnt the courses in a foreign tongue!

Does this mean that Malaysian students who want to study subjects related to Maths and Science can only study in Malaysian universities? Right now you're kinda ruining our chances of ever studying abroad...

And so you say that English is still a priority, that you will continue to hire foreign help to educate teachers and students alike in English, but wasn't this what was promised a looooong, loong time ago? Still, we Malaysian students are lagging behind other developed and even under-developed nations! Even China has begun to stress English as an important subject and all its residents, young or old are beggining to master the language. India's English proficiency level exceeds Malaysia by a very high margin. But here we are, Malaysians, trying to de-learn English and revert back to Malay. Why so? Already most subjects are being taught in Malay, like History, geography, Civics, Moral, Kemahiran Hidup and many many more.... I feel that enough emphasis has been out on the subject, so its only fair to have English being used as well!

Oh well, just my rantings, nobody's gonna care anyways...