Thursday, September 24, 2009

The car

As most people know it, there has only been one thing and one thing I have talked about recently, the stupid car. Because of this car, I have not been able to go out this whole week even though I planned NOT to stay at home a lot.

The car broke down on Thursday while my dad was fetching me back from Gurney. Luckily Sabs and Kel didn't follow me back, else we'd be stuck near Union High School in the pouring rain. My dad couldn't do anything about the car, cuz the rain was so heavy and he couldn't get out of the car to see what was wrong. So he decided to step on the clutch plate over and over again. Thankfully, after 15 minutes the car decided to move again. The journey back, to me, was the longest journey home ever. I kept worrying about the fact that the car may break down at any time and we'd be stranded in the rain. Luckily it didn't.

The next day (Friday) my dad sent it to the mechanic. He promised to have it repaired by 10 pm but then later he said he didn't have the parts and we had to wait until after raya before he could ask his supplier to send the parts he needed. So that was it. Monday and Tuesday = whole family grounded at home. Thanks to Sabs and her parents though, I got to go out on Tuesday while my parents stayed at home. (I feel so special) On Wednesday, my mum had to hitch a ride from her friend to go to work. My dad went out to get the car back( the workshop is just outside our house) but then the mechanic told us that the highway was packed and so the supply truck would not be arriving until 12 midnight. ( Meaning that we would only get our car back on Thursday). My dad was starting to get irritated but what could he do, right?

Yesterday, my dad went out to check on the car again. Now the mechanic told him that after repairing the car, he found something else that had spoilt or whatever. So, he said he needed another day to import the other part that was needed to repair the car and fix it. Hence, it is Friday and I am still grounded at home involuntarily. I feel sick to my stomach thinking of the fact that I've been having dinner at the same coffee shop (outside my house) for the past five nights, and will continue to do so tonight and maybe tomorrow night, if the car isn't repaired by then. I'm going to die of boredom!!!!

Okay, I've finished ranting now. You may stop reading, else I'm sure you'll die of boredom too.