Saturday, October 10, 2009


As some of you know, my parents and I found some stray puppies and their mother at this shack-like area in Air Itam. We took pity on them cause their bodies were all mangy and they were all extremely thin(like, I-can-see-your-ribs thin). Since the shack is only a 5 minutes drive away from our house, we decided to go there 3-4 times a week to feed them and give them water.

The mother dog is thin and weak. Her puppies are all very young, probably only a few weeks old. I didn't want to call the SPCA because I know that if there wasn't enough space for them then they'd all be put to sleep, and I didn't want to be the person who brought that on. Anyhow, these puppies are so small, so cute, tottering about aimlessley, sometimes falling over for no reason at all (like Kelly). But unlike Kelly, they haven't been walking for long.. xD Sorry Kel.

The fact that they were born into a life like this just tears at me, but they don't seem affected at all. They're innocent. The other day, I caught one sleeping right smack in the middle of the road. Luckily, there were no cars and I managed to pick it up and carry it to safety. They play around and eat when we bring them food. When all the food is finished, they nip at each other and try to cajole their mother out to play with them. They're so happy and carefree, but imagine how tough life actually is for them.

It makes me think. Here we are, we have food, clothes, a roof over our heads, air-conditioners(I'm speaking for myself here), Playstations(I know most of you have this) and Ipods/MP3s(yes, most of you have this too). AND YET, we ask for more. More money, more things more bladebladebla. We aren't happy until we get all the material wealth that we want. How superficial it all seems, compared to the scenario I presented above, where hungry puppies just want someone to play with them.

Its sad that from 4 puppies now only 2 are left (I dunno where the other two went) but I really want to protect them from all bad influences. I can't, though. And I really wish they weren't born to suffer like this. But everything happens for a reason, I guess...